The primary responsibility of this committee shall be to arrange and maintain financial viability of the ``M.A. Jinnah Scholarship`` and other scholarships approved by the Executive Committee. Other responsibilities would include promotion of educational seminars and other such activities. This committee shall assist in meeting the educational needs of the membership based on available resources.
The primary responsibility of this committee shall be to conduct and coordinate cultural, social and religious activities for the Association. The committee shall be responsible for coordination with other religious organizations. This committee shall assist with the social, cultural and religious needs of the membership based on available resources.
The primary responsibility of this committee shall be to assess the needs of the local community and provide needed welfare services as feasible. The committee shall strive to meet the welfare needs of the membership based on available resources.
The primary responsibility of this committee shall be to work on intermediate and long-term plans of the Association and make recommendations to the Executive Committee. This committee upon approval of the plans by the Executive committee shall carry on development projects and raise funds for such plans.
The primary responsibility of this committee shall be to produce the official PAGH publications and materials and to disseminate officially sanctioned information under the direction of the Executive Committee.
The primary responsibility of this committee shall be to hold athletic and sports events with special emphasis on the involvement of youth. This committee shall assist the membership in such activities based on available resources.